Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A journey with a community

Today was day one of Chemotherapy. Cindi did great and it was a pretty gentle day. Off to the hospital, a chat with the pharmacist and then set up and receive the chemo drugs. She handled everything well and came home at 5pm and ate a meal. I was happy to hear her say on the way home she was hungry. 99 more days to go and 7 more treatments. There's lots to manage around this - pills before, blood tests, base lines, bone scans, heart checks and then the chemo and then pills and symptom management after with more pills and shots. Through all of that she needs to eat well, rest when she needs to and exercise whenever she can. The intensity of it all speaks to the toxicity of the chemicals they are using to combat and residual cancer cells. It sounds scary but today we were strangely calm.
One of the reasons for that - we' think - is the amount of supportive prayer and love we have received from so many family and friends. We have come to realize that we are not alone on this journey and that there are so many standing behind us and advocating for us. For that support, Cindi and I say thank you, thank you so very much.

There is a strength to be found for us in a loving God and a loving group of people who will journey with us. Community is an amazing thing. Nothing about this is a secret and today helped dispel some of the mysteries of chemotherapy for us. One day at time we walk forward. At work this morning , the staff team gathered around and prayed, anointed and shared their hearts for us and for a dear friend Dean, who is on his own tough journey. Once again I felt their hands and heard their voices asking for miracles and for strength. This is not the road we choose. It is hard to walk it. But if He is a lamp for this walk then we follow the light of that lamp and will journey as far as that light leads. Peace.

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