Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Round TWO and the support of family.

Today was Cindi's second chemo treatment. It was the same routine as the first and it seems that Cindi handled it well if not a little better than the first. Going in with her new hairdo, Cindi was accompanied by her Mom and Dad this time which was a wonderful support to me. They were also able to use the new porta-cath which meant no needles or bruised arms - this is good and made the whole process much quicker. Cindi had drunk gallons of water for two days was incredibly well hydrated so that seems to have been beneficial as well. Still got the drugs and we still expect to have her pretty sick for the next few days as her body processes them. Still a tough journey.

The support of family is critical in this and it comes in unique ways. Mom and Dad were great today, picking up, staying with and driving home Cindi - even buying her some soup and a wrap on the way home (Yes, she was hungry after her chemo). That type of support is wonderful, allowing me to work and actually including others in this journey.

The strange surprise came this evening while I was out walking the dogs and Cindi was resting in her favorite chair. I received a text from my son Matthew. He sent me a photo of our daughter-in-law Chelsea, her mother and our grand daughter Ireland. Both Chelsea and her Mom decided to show their support of my beautiful wife in their own unique way - both being beautiful themselves. Cindi had a little cry when she saw this picture.

Family and the love that lives in family is a critical piece in life and we are fortunate to have access to that love. We love our family and we love our friends so much and the support we have felt and seen is just tangible. Thank you, all of you. One day at a time, one step at a time, one moment of grace at a time. May you be blessed as you bless others. Cindi's aunt sent an old Irish proverb that brightened our day. We hope is brightens yours.

Work like you don't need the money.

Love like you've never been hurt.

Dance like nobody's watching.

Sing like nobody's listening.

Live like it's Heaven on Earth.

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