Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Goodbye hair!

So here's a pic of Cindi this summer with a full head of hair. This is her at the beginning of this unique journey basically. It's strange how our "look" is something that has been really drilled into us by our culture and the people around us. How important is it...really? There's a shot in the right hand column of the halfway "cute" haircut that Cindi got a few weeks ago in preparation for the chemo induced hair loss to come. It was fun and an interesting conversation with the girls at the hairdressor when they found out why she wanted what she wanted.

Today Cindi sent me a photo of a huge hairball and said that the journey had begun for real. I was shocked and a little startled when I saw the amount of hair that had come out. By the time I got home, this was the hairball that was waiting for me. I'm not sure how to feel about it all. We've been prepared for this but once again i am reminded in a very tangible way, that my wife is on a very tough road and the treatments she is receiving a very serious. It's a hard truth for me and I would prefer that this was not happening to the woman I love so much.

So, this evening Cindi decided to take the reins a bit and asked me to shave her head. the fallout is happening earlier than we expected and tomorrow is round 2 of the Chemo. After tomorrow there will be several recovery days again and perhaps not the best days to be having your hair fall out all over the place or try to have a haircut then. I am so proud of my wife and so affected by this journey. I'm constantly talking to God about her and about life....and underneath all that fluffy curly hair, once again I found the beautiful woman that I fell in love with years ago. This is my beautiful Cindi, brave and steadfast, and frankly, still so gorgeous. Look at those eyes.
We appreciate your prayers as Cindi enters round 2 tomorrow. One day at a time. Image means nothing and we will endure and hold His hand in the midst of the mess.

1 comment:

  1. Cindi, you look FABULOUS! Your courageous smile is an inspiration. We are praying for you and walking with you through this season.
