Sunday, September 2, 2012

Knowledge can be a bad thing - or a good thing.

Cindi is on a journey. The tumour has been removed and nothing was found in her lymph nodes but we now move into chemo. Scary insurance to try and lick this thing and ensure that the chances are slim it will ever return again. Now Cindi is a reader (English major) and has learned so much about cancer and treatments it's scary - literally. Not sleeping well and devouring information has been difficult for Cind.

Then along comes some grace. Last night a neighbour came by to chat. She had exactly the same cancer and the same treatment and for over an hour they chatted. Slowly the mystery began to slip away and Cindi settled. Hearing this story was frankly a God-send. She had the first good sleep she's had in days and is now ready to approach the regimen of treatments with more confidence and courage. We are so grateful for our neighbours story. This type of knowledge really helps.
One day at a time. We'll take all the grace we can get.

1 comment:

  1. ...thank you for this post. If I am God's vehicle for bringing some peace to Cindi, then I am truly grateful and "all-in" - this makes me happy. Maybe this is His way of helping me through my anger following the loss of my beautiful friend Christine......maybe I'm softening...we'll see.
